Risâle-i İʿtiḳâdiyye
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Language
- Work Title
- Risâle-i İʿtiḳâdiyye
- رسالۀ اعتقاديه
- Additional Title Form
- Risâle fî i‘tikād-i Ehli’s-sünne ve’l-cemâa
- Risāle-i İʿtiḳādīye
- Risāle-i İʿtiqādīye
- Risāle-i İʿtiḳādiyye
- Risāle fī iʿtiḳād-i Ehli's-sünne ve'l-cemāʿa
- Risāle fī iʿtiqād-i Ehl es-sünne ve 'l-ǧemāʿa
- Script
- Language
- Exemplars
- Link zu Manuskripten
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Other agent
- ? authorized heading
- Mahmud Osmanisches Reich, Sultan
- Record Source
- The Integrated Authority File from the German National Library (GND)
- Identifier
- GND: 1259016765
- Editor
- Import gnd
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://www.qalamos.net/receive/MyMssWork_work_00001178
- MyCoRe ID
- MyMssWork_work_00001178 (XML view)
- Metadata license
CC0 1.0 Universal
- Send notes for this dataset