[DE-UBL] B. or. 60 - 3
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- Classmark
- B. or. 60 - 3
- Title
- Author
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Fleischer, p. 467, 3
- Link to collective manuscript
- Title
- ↳ in Ms.
- not given in the MS
- غير مذكور
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim fī ṭarīq al-taʿallum
- شرح تعليم المتعلم في طريق التعلم
- ↳ Versions
- Šarḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim li-taʿallum ṭarīq al-ʿilm
- Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim li-taʿallum ṭarīq al-ʿilm
- شرح تعليم المتعلم لتعلم لطريق العلم
- Link to work
- Subject matter
- Region
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Zayn al-ʿArab, Ibrāhīm ibn Ismāʿīl
- زين العرب، ابراهيم ابن اسماعيل
- ↳ Data of life
- † nach 996/1587-88
- Other copies of the works
- [DE-BSB] Cod.arab. 662: Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim fī ṭarīq at-taʿallum. Šarḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 9760: Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim fī ṭarīq al-taʿallum
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 24: Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim
- [DE-SBB] Wetzstein II 11: Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim
- [DE-SBB] Wetzstein II 1798 - 2: Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim
- [DE-SUBHam] Cod. Orient. 173 - 2: Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim fī ṭarīq al-taʿallum
- [DE-UBL] Vollers 1: Sharḥ Taʿlīm al-mutaʿallim fī ṭarīq al-taʿallum
Description of the object
- Record type
- Collective manuscript
- 3/4
- Binding
- Brown Oriental quarter leather binding with fore-edge flap and envelope flap; covers and envelope flap and its doublure in marbled paper; doublures of the covers made of paper; doublure of the fore-edge flap made of brown leather
- Writing material
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Watermarks
- watermarks
- Number of folios
- ff. 38b–120b
- Dimensions
- 20.8 x 14.6 cm
- Text area
- 14 x 7.5 cm
- Number of lines
- 13
- Catchwords
- Script
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
History of the object
- Date
- ↳ copy
- f. 37a: 12 Jumādá II 1072/2. Feburar 1662
- Place of MS
- ↳ copy
- f. 120b:
Visoko castle (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- f. 120b:
- Provenienz
- bookplate: Andreas Acoluthus (1654-1704)
- Scribe
- ↳ other name form(s)
f. 120b: Ibrāhīm ibn Ḥājj Zakarīyā Efendī
Access and usage
- Collection
- Classmark
- B. or. 60 - 3
- ↳ alternate
- old classmark : CLXXXVI - 03
- Editor
- Wiesmueller
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://www.qalamos.net/receive/DE15Book_manuscript_00001059
- MyCoRe ID
- DE15Book_manuscript_00001059 (XML view)
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- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
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