[DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 1877 - 2
- Classmark
Ms. or. oct. 1877 - 2
- Title
- Author
- Collection
- Catalogue
VOHD 13,3, 77
- Link to collective manuscript
- Title
- ↳ Established form
- Link to work
- is exemplar of Tecelliyyât (Hüdâyî, ʿAzîz Maḥmûd)
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
Fragment der Visionen des bekannten Ǧelvetiyye-Scheichs aus den Jahren 1011-13/1602-5
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Hüdâyî, ʿAzîz Maḥmûd
- هدائي، عزيز محمود
- ↳ Data of life
- * 948/1541-42
† 1038/1628-29 in Üsküdar - Other copies of the works
Description of the object
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- Collective manuscript
2 / 4
- Writing material
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Colour
- ↳ State of preservation
elfenbeinfarbig, weiß und bräunliches Papier
- Number of folios
f. 27b-35a
- Dimensions
21 x 15 cm
- Text area
19 x 12 cm
- Number of lines
- Catchwords
- Script
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
Access and usage
- Collection
- Classmark
Ms. or. oct. 1877 - 2
- ↳ alternate
Accession number : 1925/26.79
- Reproduction
- Type :
Notes :Hs or sim 08273
Type :Saved film
Notes :Hs or sim 08273
- Editor
Datenübernahme SBB/Wiesmüller
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://www.qalamos.net/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00060576
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00060576 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
- Send notes for this dataset