[DE-TUEB] Ma I 401
- Classmark
- Ma I 401
- Title
- [Collection of Sūktas and Brāhmaṇa passages from the Kāṭhaka]
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Garbe 9 1899
- Catalogue Link
- Title
- ↳ Established form
- [Collection of Sūktas and Brāhmaṇa passages from the Kāṭhaka]
- Link to work
- is part of Kāṭhakasaṃhitā (Kaṭha)
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- Sammlung von Sūktas und Brāhmaṇa-stellen aus dem Kāṭhaka zu rituellen Zwecken; Akzentuiert. Stein gibt folgendes Inhaltsverzeichniss: aśīti-bhadram, kalaśā-'rcanam, ṛcakam, svādhyāya-brāhmaṇam, upanayana-brāhmaṇam, vivāha-brāhmaṇam, rakṣoghna-sūktam, rakṣoghna-mantrāḥ, rakṣā-mantrāḥ, mārtāṇḍa-brāhmaṇam, draṣṭrā(sic)-brāhmaṇam, Ṛgveda-Yajurveda-bhauma-sūktam, Yajurveda-budha-sūktam, vala-grahaṇaṃ Viṣṇu-sūktam, Ṛgveda-budha-sūktam, Ṛgveda-bṛhaspati-sūktam, asya-vāma-mantrāḥ Devī-sūkta-sthāḥ, Yajurveda-gharma-sūktaṃ bṛhaspateḥ. Vgl. die eingehende Beschreibung dieser Handschrift bei Schroeder, S. 42-47.
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
Description of the object
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- 1
- Writing material
- ↳ Material
- Number of folios
- 39
(die Pagination von 7-60)
- 39
- Dimensions
- 10-12 x 17-18 сm
- Number of lines
- 15-16
- Script
- ↳ Ink
- ↳ Characteristics
- In einem Pappkasten aufbewahrt
Access and usage
- Collection
- Classmark
- Ma I 401
- Editor
- GS
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://www.qalamos.net/receive/DE21Book_manuscript_00001212
- MyCoRe ID
- DE21Book_manuscript_00001212 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
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