[DE-BAs] Msc.Add.1003(12
- Classmark
- Msc.Add.1003(12
- Title
- Author
- Collection
- Catalogue link
- Title
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- al-Shamāʾil
- الشمائل
- Link to work
- is exemplar of al-Shamāʾil (Tirmidhī, Muḥammad ibn ʿĪsá al-)
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- Werk zur Prophetenvita
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Marginal notes
- Zahlreiche Randbemerkungen, zahlreiche interlineare Bemerkungen
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Tirmidhī, Muḥammad ibn ʿĪsá al-
- الترمذي، محمد بن عيسى
- ↳ Data of life
- * 825
† 892 - Other copies of the works
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. A 1828: Shamāʾil al-nabīy
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 5044 - 3: Kitāb al-Shamāʾil
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 10210: al-Shamāʾil
- [DE-SBB] Landberg 47: Shamāʾil al-nabī
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. fol. 50: Šamāʾil an-nabī
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 380: Shamāʾil al-nabī
- [DE-SBB] Sprenger 107: Shamāʾil al-nabī
- [DE-SBB] Wetzstein II 310: Shamāʾil al-nabī
- [DE-TUEB] Ma VI 311: al-Shamāʾil al-muḥammadiyyah
Description of the object
- Record type
- Format
- Writing material
- ↳ Material
- Number of folios
- 153 Seiten
- Dimensions
- 19,8 x 14,5 cm
- Number of lines
- ca. 17
- Script
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- ↳ Characteristics
- In maghrebinischem Kūfī geschrieben
- Illumination
- Text in roter Umrandung
History of the object
- Date
- ↳ copy
- 1226 (?)/1811
- Place of MS
- ↳ copy
- Maghreb
Access and usage
- Collection
- Classmark
- Msc.Add.1003(12
- ↳ alternate
- other identification : Verbund-ID: BV035650883
- Editor
- Datenübernahme SBB/Dehghani
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://www.qalamos.net/receive/DE22Book_manuscript_00000014
- MyCoRe ID
- DE22Book_manuscript_00000014 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
- Send notes for this dataset