[DE-UBM] Ms. or. 32
- Link to external image
- Classmark
Ms. or. 32
- Title
- Author
- Collection
- Title
- ↳ Established form
- Link to work
- is exemplar of Gulistān (Saʿdī)
- Subject matter
- Region
- Language
- Script
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Saʿdī
- سعدي
- ↳ Data of life
- * in Shiraz
† 1292 in Shiraz - Other copies of the works
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 145: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 146: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 147: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 148: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 149: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 150: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 151: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 152: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 153: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 154: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 155: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 156: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 157: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 158: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 159: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 160: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 161: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 162: Gulistān
- [DE-BSB] Cod.pers. 163: Šarḥī bar Gulistān
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. P 55: Gulistān
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. P 56: Gulistān
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. P 57: Gulistān
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. P 58: Gulistān
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. P 59: Gulistān
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. P 60: Gulistān
- [DE-FBG] Ms. orient. P 61: Gulistān
- [DE-HAB] Cod. Guelf. 275.8 Extrav.: Gulistān
- [DE-HaFS] AFSt/H K 87 b 12-35: Gulistān
- [DE-HaFS] AFSt/H Q 77: Gulistān
- [DE-HaFS] AFSt/H Q 78: Gulistān
- [DE-HaFS] AFSt/H Q 79: Gulistān
- [DE-HalUuL] D Pers. Hs. 58: Gulistān
- [DE-HalUuL] D Pers. Hs. 59: Gulistān
- [DE-HalUuL] Yb 4° 2: Gulistān
- [DE-KBB] Gris 24 kl: Gulistān
- [DE-KOS] Hs. or. 610: Gulistān
- [DE-RSB Zwickau] 18.2.27: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Diez A oct. 174: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Diez A quart. 39: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Diez A quart. 54: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 8299: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 14249: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Landberg 667 - 1: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. fol. 136: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. fol. 137: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. fol. 303 - 2: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 63: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 89 - 1: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 102 - 9: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 135: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 204: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 207: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. quart. 145 - 30: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. quart. 254: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Ms. or. quart. 340: Gulistān
- [DE-SBB] Wetzstein II 273 - 1: Gulistān
- [DE-SLUB] Mscr.Dresd.Ea.8 - 2: Gulistān
- [DE-SLUB] Mscr.Dresd.Ea.228: Gulistān
- [DE-SLUB] Mscr.Dresd.Ea.267: Gulistān
- [DE-SLUB] Mscr.Dresd.Ea.330: Gulistān
- [DE-SLUB] Mscr.Dresd.Ea.342: Gulistān
- [DE-SLUB] Mscr.Dresd.Eb.409: Gulistān
- [DE-SUBGött] 4 Cod. Ms. pers. 8: Gulistān
- [DE-SUBHam] Cod. Orient. 203: Gulistān
- [DE-SUBHam] Cod. Orient. 204: Gulistān
- [DE-SUBHam] Cod. Orient. 205: Gulistān
- [DE-TUEB] Ma III b 3: Gulistān
- [DE-TUEB] Ma III b 27: Gulistān
- [DE-TUEB] Ma III b 28: Gulistān
- [DE-TUEB] Ma III b 64: Gulistān
- [DE-UB-FAU] MS 1294: Gulistān
- [DE-UBFre] Hs. 1532,57: Gūlistān
- [DE-UBHeid] Cod. Heid. Orient. 147: Gulistān
- [DE-UBHeid] Cod. Trübner 50: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] B. or. 44: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] B. or. 67 - 1: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] B. or. 278 - 1: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] Ms. Gabelentz 64: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] Ms. Gabelentz 73: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] Vollers 928: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] Vollers 930 - 1: Gulistān
- [DE-UBL] Vollers 930c: Gulistān
- [DE-UBM] Ms. or. 31: Gulistān
- [DE-UBM] Ms. or. 36: Gulistān
- [DE-UBR] Mss. orient. 201: Gulistān
- [DE-WLB] Cod. or. 8° 39: Gulistān
- [DE-WLB] Cod. or. 8° 88: Gulistān
- [FI-H] Coll.504.77: Gulistān
- [NO-NB] Ms.fol. 4313:24: Gulistān
- [NO-NB] Ms.fol. 4313:33: Gulistān
Description of the object
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- Binding
- Writing material
- ↳ Material
- Number of folios
- Dimensions
20,7 x 11,5 cm
- Text area
13 x 6,5 cm
- Script
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- ↳ Characteristics
History of the object
- Date
- ↳ copy
- 25.04.1105/24.12.1693
- Acquisition
- 08.03.1793
- Marburg
- Seller: Johann Wilhelm Schröder
- Legat / Stiftung
- Previous Owner
- ↳ Name
- Schröder, Johann Wilhelm
- ↳ Data of life
- * 1726 in Marburg
† 1793 in Marburg
Access and usage
- Collection
- Classmark
Ms. or. 32
- ↳ alternate
old classmark : L.S. Cod. N
- Editor
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://www.qalamos.net/receive/DE4Book_manuscript_00000040
- MyCoRe ID
- DE4Book_manuscript_00000040 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
- Send notes for this dataset