Anṣārī al-Shāfiʿī, Sharaf al-Dīn ibn Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn ibn Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn Zakariyāʾ al-
- Data of life
- * um 1030 / 1620-21
- † 1092/1681
- Manuscript notes
- Previous Owner Ms. orient. A 521 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Ms. orient. A 604 / 2r / 1
- Previous Owner Ms. orient. A 1183 / 1r / 2
- Previous Owner Ms. orient. A 1733 / 1v / 1
- Previous Owner Ms. orient. A 1747 / 2v / 1
- Previous Owner Ms. orient. A 2321 / 3v / 1
- Previous Owner Landberg 187 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Landberg 194 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Landberg 236 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Wetzstein I 1 / 2r / 1
- Transmitter Vollers 253 / 10v / 1
- Transmitter Vollers 253 / 20v / 1
- Transmitter Vollers 253 / 30v / 1
- Previous Owner Vollers 283 / 1r / 3
- Alternative names
- Šaraf-ad-Dīn Ibn-šaiḫ-al-islām Zakariyā'
- Sharaf al-Dīn Ibn shaykh al-islām Zakariyā'
- شرف الدين بن شيخ الاسلام زكريا الانصاري
- Date of birth
- um 1030 / 1620-21
- Date of death
- 1092/1681
- Sex
- Confession of faith
- Area of activity
- Kairo
- Relation
- has ancestor Anṣārī, Zakarīyāʾ Ibn-Muḥammad al-
- has grand father Anṣārī aš-Šāfiʿī, Muḥyi-'d-Dīn Ibn-Wali-'d-Dīn Ibn-Ǧamāl-ad-Dīn Yūsuf Ibn-Zakariyāʾ al-
- Literature
- Muḥibbī: Ḫulāṣat al-aṯar, Bd. II, S. 215, Nr. 477.
- Source of data
- local record
- Remarks
- Owner of:
Beirut AUB MS 956.9:R11kA;
Berlin Wetzstein I 1; Wetzstein II 227, 1364; Landberg 187, 194, 236; Ms.or.quart. 1060;
Gotha orient. A 521, 604, 1183, 1733, 1747, 2321;
Istanbul, Feyzullah 1506-1508;
Kopenhagen Perho: Catalogue, Cod. Arab. 169;
Cairo Maʿhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabiyya, 222 tārīkh (microfilm of an unidentified original in the library Fayḍ Allāh in Istanbul; my identification from a photo of the title page in the manuscript's edition Ibn al-Ḥimṣī: Ḥawādith al-zamān [ed. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Fayāḍ Ḥarfūsh, Beirut 2000], p. 29);
Leipzig Vollers 283;
München Cod. arab. 1216 (=Sobieroj: Arabische Handschriften 8, p. 322, no. 151);
Riyad, King Saud University, MS 1052;
Tunis in the library of Ḥasan Ḥasanī ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (after the title page in Ziriklī: Aʿlām VII, p. 51, where a precise signature is lacking).
In the year 1084/1674 he issued a certificate of transmission for a work of his father in the ms Leipzig Vollers 253.
All cited and identically worded notes give no more than the bare name Sharaf al-Dīn Ibn shaykh al-islām. Only Leipzig Vollers 283 identifies the shaykh al-islām by name as Zakariyā'. Accordingly, this man should most probably have been Sharaf al-Dīn b. Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn b. Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn Zakariyā' al-Anṣārī, who would have referred only to his most famous forefather, namely the chief judge of Egypt Zakariyā' al-Anṣārī (d. 926/1520), commonly known as shaykh al-islām (cf. GAL I p. 432, II pp. 99-100, S I p. 771, S II pp. 117-118; Ziriklī: Aʿlām III, p. 46).
The dating of ms Leipzig Vollers 283 in the year 1057/1647 gives a terminus post quem for our Šaraf ad-Dīn Ibn Zakariyā''s life, while the inclusion of the Istanbul mss (including the one microfilm referred to as Cairene) into the endowment, achieved in 1113, of the Mufti of Istanbul, Faiḍ Allāh (d. 1115), sets a terminus ante quem. Taken together, these dates make the proposed identification highly probable. Furthermore, the six mss preserved today in Gotha, all bought by Seetzen in the year 1809 in Cairo, show a geographical focus on Egypt befitting the biography of this man.
- Owner of:
- Editor
- Wollina/VE
- status of edit
- finished
- Static URL
- MyCoRe ID
- MyMssPerson_agent_00000579 (XML view, related manuscripts)
- Metadata license
CC0 1.0 Universal
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