ʿUṭayfī, Ramaḍān ibn Mūsá al-Ḥanafī al-
- Data of life
- * 1019 / 1610
- † 10. Ǧumādā II 1095 /25. Mai 1684 in Damaskus
- Manuscripts
- Author [DE-SBB] Landberg 819 - 11: Ijāzah
- Author [DE-SBB] Ms. or. oct. 1867 - 02
- Scribe [DE-SBB] Sprenger 997: al-Kināyah wa-al-taʿrīḍ
- Scribe [DE-SBB] Wetzstein I 20: Tarjamat al-ʿallāmah al-Suyūṭī
- Scribe [DE-SBB] Wetzstein I 125: Tuḥfat al-udabāʾ wa-salwat al-ghurabāʾ
- Scribe [DE-SBB] Wetzstein II 1822 - 1: Kitāb al-Malāḥin
- Scribe [DE-SBB] Wetzstein II 1822 - 2: [Two letters]
- Author [DE-UBL] Vollers 725: al-Thabat min Ramaḍān ibn Mūsá al-ʿUṭayfī
- Manuscript notes
- Previous Owner Ms. orient. A 747 / 1r / 1
- Witness Ms. orient. A 747 / 1r / 2
- Reader Ms. orient. A 747 / 167r / 1
- Previous Owner Landberg 924 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Sprenger 42 / 1r / 1
- Reader Sprenger 477 / 128r / 1
- Reader Sprenger 868 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Sprenger 997 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Wetzstein I 20 / 1r / 1
- Reader Wetzstein I 40 / 146v / 1
- Scribe Wetzstein I 57 / 0 / 1
- Previous Owner Wetzstein I 125 / 1r / 1
- Previous Owner Wetzstein II 15 / 5r / 1
- Previous Owner Wetzstein II 136 / 1r / 1
- Alternative names
- ʿUṭaifī, Ramaḍān Ibn-Mūsā al-Ḥanafī al-
- العطيفي، رمضان بن موسى الحنفي
Biographic info
- Data of life
- * 1019 / 1610
- † 10. Ǧumādā II 1095 /25. Mai 1684 in Damaskus
- Sex
- Confession of faith
- Area of activity
- Damaskus
(Identifier GND: 040109569) - Literature
- Muḥibbī: Khulāṣat II, pp. 164-166, no. 429;
Maḥāsinī, Ismā‛īl al-: Kunnāsh [=Ṣafaḥāt min tārīḫ Dimašq fī l-qarn al-ḥādī ‛ašar al-hiǧrī, mustaḫraǧa min Kunnāš Ibrāhīm al-Maḥāsinī. Ed. by Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Munajjid. In: Majallat Ma‛had al-Makhṭūṭāt al-‛Arabiyya 6 (1960), pp. 77-160], p. 99.
GAL S II, p. 666; Ziriklī: Aʿlām III, p. 33.
Cf. for the endowment of his books already (albeit with many mistakes) El-Zawāhreh: Religious endowments, pp. 82, 83, 174.
A posthumous court-process dealing with a challenge to his donation of books is documented in the Syrian National Archives / Markaz al-Wathā’iq al-Tārīkhiyya: sijill 12 / wathīqa 582 / p. 301, dated 15.6.1095 / 30.5.1684. I thank Dr. Astrid Meier (Beirut) for pointing me to this document.
- Muḥibbī: Khulāṣat II, pp. 164-166, no. 429;
- bib. Reference
- GAL S II/666; Kaḥḥāla IV/172-73; Ziriklī III/33
General info
- Source of data
- local record
- Identifier
- GND: 136409105
- External links
- Remarks
- Owner of
Berlin Landberg 924; Sprenger 42, 997+998; Wetzstein I 20 (also copyist in 1059) 57 (also copyist 1056), 125 (also copyist 1083); Wetzstein II 15, 136, 1764 (also copyist), 1822 (partly also the copyist in 1091);
Copenhagen Cod.Arab. 266;
Damascus Ẓāhiriyya 2208 adab 27 (already possessed by the father; cf. catalogue Murad / Sauwas: Qism al-Adab I, p. 375), 3561+3562 (cf. catalogue Luġa I, p. 279), 3563 (1095 auctioned off from his estate; cf. catalogue Lugha I, p. 281), 4131 (donated to the library of the Madrasa Bādhrā’iyya, cf. Murad / Sauwas: Qism al-Adab I, p. 305), 6822 ʿāmm (cf. catalogue Lugha II, p. 169);
Leiden Or. 1515 (1077, also the copyist, cf. Witkam: Inventory of the Oriental manuscripts of the library of the University of Leiden, vol. II, Leiden 2007, p. 164);
London BL Or. 3623 (cf. a reproduction of the title page in Wright: The look of the book, p. 6);
Paris BNF Arab. 669.
Reader of Berlin Sprenger 477 (he makes a copy from this MS), 868; Wetzstein I 40; Gotha orient. A 747 (1081, cf. also Weisweiler: Der islamische Bucheinband, p. 127, no. 175); Princeton Garret No. 196B, 511Y (1070), 530Y.
Owner or reader of Cambridge Qq 125 (his father had copied the book in 991, he himself leaves many annotations according to Browne: A handlist of the Muhammadan manuscripts, Cambridge 1900, p. 23, wrongly called here Ramaḍān b. Mūsā ʿAdhīfī al-Ḥanafī).
Copyist of Damascus Ẓāhiriyya 2584 (1067, cf. catalogue Fiqh ḥanafī II, p. 286), 3342 (1079, cf. catalogue Adab I, p. 440), 4131 (1051, cf. catalogue Adab I, p. 305), 5688 (1074), 8438 (1086, cf. catalogue Fiqh ḥanafī I, p. 416).
According to Maḥāsinī and documentary sources, al-ʿUṭayfī donated his books for the benefit of his daughter shortly before his death.
- Owner of
Access and usage
- Editor
- Liebrenz/Wollina
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://www.qalamos.net/receive/MyMssPerson_agent_00000582
- MyCoRe ID
- MyMssPerson_agent_00000582 (XML view, related manuscripts)
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0 Universal
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