Maʿārrath gazze
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Language
- Create Date
- 301-600
- Work Title
- Maʿārrath gazze
- Additional Title Form
- Schatzhöhle (R:ÖB-Alternative)
- Spelunca Thesaurorum
- Me'ārath Gazze
- Me'ārrath gazze
- Buch der Schatzhöhle
- La caverne des trésors
- The book of the cave of treasures
- La caverna dei tesori
- Cave of treasures
- Maʿārrath gazze
- Mĕʿārath gazzē
- Mĕʿāraṯ gazzē
- Script
- Language
- Create Date
- 301-600
- Exemplars
- Link zu Manuskripten
- Author
- ↳ Name
- Thematik
- Record Source
- The Integrated Authority File from the German National Library (GND)
- Identifier
- GND: 4437796-4
- LCNAF: no2007022453
- Editor
- Import gnd
- status of edit
- finished
- Static URL
- MyCoRe ID
- MyMssWork_work_00000182 (XML view)
- Metadata license
CC0 1.0 Universal
- Send notes for this dataset